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Golf Tournament 2024

Thank you to everyone who took part in yet another event at Whitecraig’s Golf Club in our golf tournament, and to Kyle Young for making the day such a success.

Thank you!

Thanks to everyone for all your amazing support and fundraising this year for the Ryan Connell Foundation – it’s been another great year raising awareness and money for worthwhile causes

Sports Night at Clarkston Bowling Club

Thank you to Andy Flockhart & guys at Clarkston Bowling club for organising a sports night for the foundation. They kindly donated £250!

Movember 2023

Who grew the best tache? Comment below We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who donated again to the annual Movember fundraiser on behalf of our

Football Tournament 2023

Well not sure where to start – such an amazing day filled with love & positive energy – a community coming together to remember Ryan & raise funds for Men

3 Peaks Challenge

Amazing achievement by Ross, Claire & Joe – completing the 3 peaks challenge in under 24 hours – We are so proud and grateful having raised over £1k for the

Andrea’s Skydive

Well done to Andrea Ronald After 3 aborted attempts and in absolutely perfect weather conditions , I did my sky dive at last today! It’s one of the BEST things

Andy’s Edinburgh Marathon & Tough Mudder Triumph

Well done to Andy Harley completed his 2 challenges – Edinburgh Marathon & Tough Mudder – amazing.

Uncle Hedley

George’s Uncle Hedley had a family party for his 94th Birthday and instead of presents asked for donations to Ryan Connell Foundation – we are very grateful for his donation of £250.

West Highland Way

Shirley (Ryan’s mum) and Tracy have recently completed the West Highland Way – they have donated over £3k to Kindness Homeless Street Team!Thanks for all the lovely messages of support

Adam’s Knockout Donation

Thank you to Adam Rowatt who has generously donated £150 commission he gained on the sale of tickets for the boxing event to the Ryan Connell Foundation. Adam set himself

Partick Thistle Top

Another great donation – my nephew Craig MacFarlane had a signed Partick Thistie top – he put a football card on the Partick Thistle Away bus yesterday and raised £200

Coffee Morning

On Saturday 3rd December a coffee morning was held at Newton Mearns Parish Church with around £1,000 being raised for Kindness Homeless Street Team. The Foundation and charity partners are greatly


Another £1,000 was raised for Prostate Cancer by a few of our supporters who participated in MOVEMBER and some interested moustaches were on display. Well done to Ryan Runcie, Fraser Campbell,

Sportsman’s Dinner at Parklands

The Ryan Connell Foundation continues to actively raise funds for worthy causes. On Friday 2nd December 150 people attended a Sportsman’s Dinner in the Parklands Country Club in Newton Mearns with

Craig’s 60th Birthday Bash

Thank you to Craig Bruce & Carol Bruce for hosting Craigs 60th Birthday bash in a fabulous marquee – Craig asked for no presents and donations of £1300 were given

Craig climbs Kilimanjaro

A big congratulations to Craig for successfully climing Mount Kiliminjaro and raising over £200 so far! Here’s what he said: Got home from climbing Mount Kilimanjaro this week. By far the

Golf Tournament

Fantastic day for Golf Tournament – well done to Derek Bryden team (Four Fore Men) and Runners Up Daniel Stern’s team (Bogey men) . A fantastic day was had by

QA Goatfell Walk

Well done to Craig Macfarlane for raising £1,091 by walking Goatfell. Thank you!

Five a Side Tournament 2022

A massive thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s football tournament. We had a great turnout and managed to raise a massive £6,200! We also filled 2 vans

Bake Sale at David Lloyd

A big thank you to Aislinn Bryden who held a bake sale at David Lloyd, raising an amazing £520. The cakes were delicious!

Edinburgh Half Marathon

Fraser Grossart & Helena Brown (very close friends of Ryan) ran the Edinburgh half marathon and raised £2350 – a fantastic amount of money for Chris’s house.

Melbourne Half Marathon

A massive congratulations to Kim, Gabriel MacSeoirse and Gavin Thomas who completed the Melbourne Half Marathon, proudly sporting their Ryan Connell Foundation t-shirts. They did a great job of fundraising, and reached

Glen Shiel Ridge

HUGE congratulations to Andy, Amy, Alistair & Lawrence who managed to complete the Glen Shiel Ridge in September, a total of 7 Munro’s. The group managed to raise a total of

Five a Side Tournament

On Saturday August 28th – we organised our first Annual 5 a side football tournament for the Ryan Connell Foundation. 24 teams enthusiastically participated supported by many spectators on a

Cateran Trail

Alan Ronald walked the Cateran trail – an incredible 64 miles in 24 hours for MindtheMen raising just over £6500!

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FORE Men's Mental Health