3 Peaks Challenge

Amazing achievement by Ross, Claire & Joe – completing the 3 peaks challenge in under 24 hours – We are so proud and grateful having raised over £1k for the Ryan Connell Foundation – absolutely fantastic 👏👏👏👏

Andrea’s Skydive

Well done to Andrea Ronald After 3 aborted attempts and in absolutely perfect weather conditions ☀️ , I did my sky dive at last today! 🪂 It’s one of the BEST things I’ve ever done…. The adrenaline rush was incredible…. Just awesome!! I’m still buzzing😂 I can’t thank everyone enough for sponsoring me all those months ago for the Ryan Connell Foundation…I’m sorry it’s taken this long, but that’s the Scottish weather for you! Thanks to you, I’ve raised £700 which is just fantastic! A million thank yous!!! ♥️